I finally saw Flow, and it was wonderful!

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I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :)

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Thanks again for the review!

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Many thanks for this. I would never have ventured out to have the excellent experience, which combined drama, dreaming, and touring through an art gallery, had I not been on your Substack. The movie is aptly named and I found the way to view it is to have no expectations and literally "go with the flow." Saw with a neighbor in Boulder, CO. Sadly, the theater had only about half a dozen people. Fans of the classic "Fantasia" should love it.

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Wow, I’m very glad to hear my post inspired you to see Flow and that you enjoyed it! Have a Happy New Year 🥳

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Reminded me of one of my cats who was a stray, also very smart, can open locked doors to get outside. He decides to come back when he wants to, sometimes dragging food in his mouth to help me feed my other cats, this movie brought tears to my eyes a very good movie.

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I have a cat I took in can open locked doors easily and very smart and savy a lot like the cat in Flow brought tears to my eyes at the end

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Added to queue! 🐱

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Thank you for this review. I’ll look for it locally!

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We saw this last Friday and LOVED it. We have a black cat, so probably identified too much with the protagonist. I loved the way the animal’s characters reflected human traits and the role of reflection throughout. We were still talking about it days after!

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Absolutely! Guilty as another fellow black cat lover (former owner, RIP Phoenix 🖤) here 🙋🏻‍♂️ I kept thinking about it for hours after I saw it today, hence the post :)

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