May 25Liked by Eric Fish, DVM, PhD

Excellent trip! Thanks for sharing, and you have me all excited about reviewing chemistry and visiting Amsterdam, which is quite a unique accomplishment! off to bed now, will revisit this post, and maybe ask a quick question or two about Jordaan and the bike tour specifics.

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Great trip and a nice report. One comment... I LOVE teaching Acid-Base physiology. Somehow I got sucked into it early and have taught it off and on for nearly 40 years.

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Thanks! I agree, as I've gotten more used to the material it grows on you, but it's certainly abstract and hard to sell people on the relevance

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It is. But it's critical in EM and ICU settings (and I'm assuming that's as true for you as the human clinicians) and too many people look at a few parameters and don't understand the interactions. Interesting question on Twitter this morning on X about thrombocytopenia in sepsis led to finding a post off-platform on base excess/deficit that was pretty interesting.

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Interesting! Can you share the post? It would certainly make sense as many septic patients have lactic acidosis, metabolic dysfunction, and they're also hypercoagulable, predisposing to thromboemoli and DIC (which will obviously decrease the [PLT])

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I should have the article or a reference to it. I'll look.

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May 25Liked by Eric Fish, DVM, PhD

So fun! I am speaking at a conference in November near the Louve. I love the smaller sized audiences.

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Yes! Not only are they more fun, but I find people are much more willing to be vulnerable and ask questions in a small group setting compared to a huge lecture hall. "This may be a dumb question, but..." often proceeds some of the best discussions!

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May 23Liked by Eric Fish, DVM, PhD

What a trip! Reconfirms my twin desires to never travel by plane, and never travel by plane to Europe!

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You should definitely give it a try! Europe is amazing for so many reasons. I *would* suggest adding much more buffer time for layovers and getting to your destination than you think you might need, and always aim for a direct flight rather than one or more connections 😬

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