So fascinating! I’m not an art person, but something about the way you wrote this drew me in. I’m astonished by how artists can work in these multi-dimensions and not lose the forest for the trees. It’s mind-blowing. I feel the same way about choreographed group dances. These people’s minds work in ways mine does not.

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It's definitely amazing to consider how precise artists like Da Vinci were able to be with their lines and grids on such a huge canvas. Truly a pioneer

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Very cool thanks for sharing this!

I always find the speculation about secret codes and symbols in this painting fascinating, too. I don’t have time to get into it now, but when researching the V shape, and (?) Mary Magdalene to Jesus’s right, I stumbled upon this website that trying to debunk all of that and more. I think there is a lot of truth in the symbolism, and this debunking sounds way less likely!


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Very cool, thanks for sharing that. I agree that it's important to be skeptical of reading TOO much into cryptic symbols and numerology in art and elsewhere, though if anyone were to embed stuff like that in a painting, the original polymathic Renaissance man who invented something new with each work and spent years on his paintings would be my first candidate! And if you play the clip of the musical "code", it certainly fits the mood of the story and subject matter...

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Waiting to get bloodwork and this popped up - I cannot wait to get home and listen to the musical interpretation! This is just so awesome to read / things taken for granted (seeing pictures of the painting) now will give a different thought process when looking at it again. Thank you for taking the time to remind us that there are more than 1000 words in every picture.

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Thank you for this comment! I totally agree. To be honest, when my wife recommended we get tickets to see it I was kinda "meh," but I'm *SO* glad we did, because I was blown away seeing it up close and learning all of these details I'd never heard before.

PS: Hope the bloodwork is routine/all normal; I have to get it multiple times a year for a chronic endocrine condition, and it is never fun!!

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Same. On imuran and remicade for severe Crohn’s. All good tho!

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Glad it's well-controlled! Synthroid for hypothyroidism following RAI ablation (for Grave's) here

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