Thanks for this - I always look forward to your articles that explain things in ways I can understand.

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Thanks, Jim! The H5N1 outbreak has been challenging even for me since it is impacting so many different species at once with different strains and variable behavior. Doing research for these articles helps my understanding, too!

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Great article Eric. Very concerning since we have two cats and do feed them some raw food. Question: are you familiar with freeze dried raw kibble by Instinct ? Would the freeze process kill the virus or is this something we should reconsider ? Thank you.

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Good question! I have heard of Instinct but don’t know much about it. My understanding is freezing alone might not kill all pathogens. Influenza is an “enveloped” virus, which means it grabs some lipid membrane from it’s host cells to surround it, and the upshot is it makes those types of viruses a bit more fragile. However, if it was my cat I wouldn’t risk it personally

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Thanks for the in dept report. Been following it as well. Been meaning to ask if you read this in one of my post?

Trump names One Health expert to lead pandemic response office


The Trump administration has selected Gerald Parker, DVM, PhD, to lead the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, according to media reports.

Parker, an associate dean for Global One Health at Texas A&M's College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, has had previous roles in government, and was most recently chair of the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity at the National Institutes of Health under the Biden administration. Prior to that, Parker served as a senior advisor for the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the Department of Health and Human Services from August 2020 to February 2021.

Parker served 26 years in the US Army and has also held positions at the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense. According to his bio, he is recognized as a leader in biodefense, high-consequence emerging infectious diseases, global health security, and all-hazards public health/medical preparedness.

Perhaps a sliver of silver lining? Certainly has the credentials and hopefully will be heard voice. However, seems much of the work with pandemic planning has been incinerated in the fireplace from what I have read. Hopefully they will listen to professional advice. Anyone familiar with Dr. Parker?

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Yes, I had heard about Dr. Parker, and it's great to see a veterinarian in such a high profile position. The last DVM I knew who had a large impact on public health was Albert Bourla, DVM, PhD, the CEO of Pfizer during the COVID-19 pandemic and mRNA vaccine development.

I don't know much about Gerald Parker other than what I've read in the press. Dr. Jeremy Faust at Inside Medicine is cautiously optimistic that he is reasonable and science-based. You can read his write-up here: https://insidemedicine.substack.com/p/trumps-new-pandemic-czar-actually?utm_source=publication-search

One of the few silver linings is that despite nutjobs like RFK Jr getting the top spots at these agencies (which to be clear is really bad), the deputies and mid-level staff are often more sane, respected scientists and civil servants. Hopefully they can hold the line against the worst excesses of the new admin 🤞

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